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Back Office Outsourcing Services

We provide high-quality back office outsourcing services so your employees can focus on the specialized work that you hired them to do, instead of spending valuable time completing menial tasks.

Back Office Outsourcing Services

Scalable, Accurate, and Transparent Back Office Outsourcing

Digital Minds BPO Services is a business process outsourcing company that offers back office outsourcing services to businesses of all sizes. Our mission is to bring you and your employees the peace of mind that comes with knowing that the important stuff is happening behind the scenes. 

We do the dirty work, so your employees can spend their time doing what they do best. Our team of expert admin staff is available 24x7x365 to assist you with billing, account management, image labeling, transaction processing, annotation, data entry, content moderation, and all other back office function that are part of our service.

Don’t let Admin tasks take your Best People. 

If you are like most business owners, you know the importance of having a solid back office support team. Without the right team in place, you’re going to find it difficult to run your company efficiently. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t have the time to manage all the administrative activities. This is where Digital Minds BPO can help. We’ve been providing back office outsourcing services for business owners for over a decade. With our help, you can get the administrative support you need without having to hire new employees, spend extra money, or rent an extra office space.

Some business processes and services are better handled by an outsourced professional service provider. This may be a cost-effective solution for your business. Admin tasks are the least of your worries when you use Digital Minds BPOs back office support services. With our high-quality staff and our commitment, you will be able to focus on the growth of your company

Back Office Outsourcing Services
Back office Support Services

By outsourcing your back office work, you no longer have to spend your time on menial tasks. We provide high-quality outsourcing services so your employees can focus on the core operation that you hired them to do, instead of spending valuable time completing repetitive tasks. We take care of the mundane day-to-day admin work so that you have more time to focus on your core business.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a global enterprise, when your employees spend their time on things like data entry and reporting you lose efficiency. Back-Office Support is all the admin work that doesn’t help your bottom line. We free you from it so you can focus on your important day to day tasks. 


You’re busy, and it’s only getting busier. Reducing time spent on admin tasks will keep your company focused on the core business and help your business run with operational excellence. You don’t want to get stressed out with all the admin tasks that take your best people and doesn’t help your bottom line. We are here to make your life easier.

When outsourcing, your business will have access to workers that possess specific skills you may have trouble finding. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to locate talented individuals who are already familiar with the kind of work you do. Additionally, outsourcing gives you direct access to advanced technology that can help your company do more on a daily basis. You can take advantage of software that simplifies tasks and makes it possible to get tasks done more efficiently than ever before.

Right Talent and Technology

Main Benefits Of Outsourcing Back Office Process

Reduce Cost:  For one, it saves you from spending time and money on training and hiring employees. An outsourcing firm is an already established organization that is capable of taking on your company’s non-core functions and deliver results that are at par, if not better, than what you can do yourself.

Efficiency and Productivity: Outsourcing non-core processes is a cost-effective mechanism to achieve huge gains in efficiency and productivity. Business processes such as accounting, payroll, billing, and data entry are time-consuming for companies to perform internally. Outsourcing these processes allows companies to concentrate their resources on more profitable areas thus increasing efficiency.

Avoid Staffing Issues: In addition to ensuring business continuity, outsourcing your back office can also help you avoid staffing issues. It’s no secret that hiring and managing employees can be difficult. Lack of training, compensation, and motivation can greatly affect their ability to do their job. By outsourcing your back office, you can hire a third-party provider and give them the tools and resources to keep your business running smoothly. In the event that an employee leaves, the outsourcing providers are available for immediate hire and are much more efficient and organized than your current employees.

What Are Back Office Services?

Back office services are services that are utilized by a business in order to support some business processes. They are mostly used in the case of outsourcing. Businesses usually outsource back office services to more efficient service providers in order to reduce overheads and also to focus on their core business. Back office services are usually transactional in nature.

Back Office Support

Back Office Functions That Can Be Outsourced

We provide out-of-the-box or customized back-office services for a variety of functions, including (but not limited to):

Work More Efficiently With Our Back Office Support Services

Digital Minds offers back office outsourcing services that will help you improve the efficiency of your organization and reduce the costs of keeping your business going. Leverage our flexible workforce and expert staff to gain greater efficiency in administrative operations such as data entry, content moderation, image editing, bookkeeping, and document management.

Our focus on the back office means that we are able to offer services that are targeted towards improving the efficiency of your business. Here are some of our focus back office process:


Data Entry

Our data entry experts know how to tackle even the most complex data entry task. You can completely rely on us for your repetitive tasks as we handle them with finesse. We leverage our expertise in processing and converting large amounts of data into superior quality, error-free documents and reports.


Content Moderation

Our content moderation services allow ensures that your digital footprint is left untarnished. A dedicated team of resourceful, well-trained individuals ensures that your brand stays out from controversies and negative press by moderating comments, posts, reviews, blogs, chat rooms, and forums on digital platforms.

Image Labeling & Annotation

Our image labeling and annotation services allow you to make sense of the images that are stored in your internal database. We provide image tagging and annotation services to over 100+ companies in different industries. Our image tagging and annotation services are used for rapid visual content comprehension and for image categorization.

Digital Image Conversion

We convert your image files into usable formats with the highest possible quality. Our conversion services include scanning, cropping, and editing digital images and documents. We have developed a comprehensive process in which we convert, edit and deliver images that are in high resolution and pixel density.

Reliable Back Office Service Provider for Any Industry


Construction and Engineering

Banking & Investments


Food & Restaurants

Software and IT services (Saas)

Travel and Hospitality

Professional Services

Real Estate

Streamline Your Back Office Functions Now!

Don't let your back office operations slow you down. Streamline your back office functions now! Our team of experts will handle all your Back Office processes quickly, efficiently and with confidence.

Why Choose Digital Minds BPO as Your Back Office Service Provider

Efficiency must be at the center of any business operation or it to succeed. We offer the best back office outsourcing services because we have several years of experience in this industry. Some of the reasons that separate us from our competitors include:

Affordable & Flexible Pricing

We keep our rates and services streamlined to ensure you get maximum value for your money. We also offer flexible pricing plans based on your requirements. No matter what your budget, we can provide back office services tailored to meet your needs.

Data Security & Confidentiality

We comply with all data privacy regulations, to keep your data protected at all times. You can feel safe knowing that your data is being processed in a secure, protected environment. All our employees undergo thorough background checks and security checks to ensure that your data is secured.

24/7 Operations

Our facilities are open 24/7, providing clients with around-the-clock access to back office support services and customer service issues. We can address any problems that arise to minimize any disruption to your normal operations.

Transparency in Operations

Every project needs to be reported on and monitored regularly. We will ensure there is complete transparency with the client. We will report on updates in the project and send you weekly reports on what we've done and where we're at so far.

Scalable Services

Digital Minds BPO has a scalable infrastructure based on the client’s requirements. We have the infrastructure to support hundreds of clients simultaneously. Our offshore team is always ready to take on new clients and extend our services to them.
Trusted and Experienced

Skilled Professionals

Our professionals are trained to handle back office services with care and precision. They have the right skills and experience required to perform this task. Apart from that, they are very dedicated to the task at hand, always doing their best to perform their duties. They ensure that each and every task is fully carried out to the best of their ability.

State of the Art Facilities

Digital Minds BPO is housed in a state-of-the-art building, giving our employees access to the environment and resources needed to excel. Comfortable working conditions and quality computer terminals ensure that we can deliver reliable help desk services 24/7/365.
Save Time


We offer a variety of flexible outsourcing options so you can employ one or more of our services to suit your business needs. With a diverse team of experienced professionals, we can cater to both small and large-scale businesses.

Outsource Your Back Office Services to Digital Minds BPO

Digital Minds BPO is a leading provider of back office outsourcing solutions for a wide range of businesses. Our goal is to increase efficiency and profitability for our clients by providing high-quality and cost-effective back office services. We have been in the outsourcing industry for more than 10 years and have built a strong presence with our clients, which include Fortune 500 companies. Our breadth of services includes payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, HR, IT, and more.

When you work with Digital Minds BPO as your back office services provider, you are putting yourself in the hands of experts who specialize in their respective fields. We invest in our infrastructure, process, and people to make sure that you are provided with the best quality service at all times. We will be in constant communication with you to understand your needs and render all reports that are necessary to understand the progress of the project. We keep your business functions running smoothly and effectively, all while helping you maintain your core business responsibilities. We are a one-stop solution for your business outsourcing. We take care of all your business processes by identifying cost-effective solutions that match your needs. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you!

Build Your Perfect Back Office Team in the Philippines

Find out how much our back office support services cost. It usually takes only 1-2 days to receive your proposal.

Once signed, the recruitment of your team will begin immediately.

🔒 We respect your privacy. We will never sell, trade, or give your contact information to anyone else.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about our outsourcing services, contact us today or examine the following answers to the most frequently asked questions.

How does Back Office Outsourcing Work?

Outsourcing administrative support has become a widespread trend as companies focus on core business competencies and outsource the rest. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, but the most common way is through a back office outsourcing company that will take over the management of a company‘s back office functions. This allows the company to focus on the things that they do best like making and selling great products and services to their customers while the BPO company takes care of all the administrative work that comes with running a business.

What is the difference between Front Office and Back Office?

The back office is the non-customer facing side of an organization, which includes accounting, human resources, management information systems, and other administrative functions. The front office is the customer facing side of a company, which includes sales, marketing, and customer service

What is Back Office Operations?

Back office operations are generally behind the scenes functions of a business. It is an important component of any business because it is a part of the activities that are required to keep a business running. Essentially, back office operations are the administrative tasks that are necessary to keep a business functioning. They include anything from scheduling employee time and attendance to handling and keeping track of accounting tasks.

There are four main back-office operations: accounting and finance, IT, Legal and human resources, and each of these operations is important in its own way.

Why Should You Outsource Your Back Office Tasks?

There are a variety of reasons why companies choose to outsource their office operation but the top reasons are cost savings through cheaper labor and increased efficiency through the elimination of duplicated functions.

How Will Outsourcing Help Your Business?

Your back office is the invisible engine that powers your entire organization. It’s responsible for automating the most critical business processes your company performs. Yet even the most sophisticated systems can fail if they aren’t managed properly. That’s why many companies outsource rather than manage it in-house. This not only gives them access to the specialized expertise needed to run their systems but also relieves them of the day-to-day management and maintenance that can distract them from their core business.

Reliable Back Office Outsourcing Services by Digital Minds BPO

Digital Minds BPO is your outsourcing partner. Our company has a decade of industry experience providing back office support services and BPO Services to organizations throughout the world. We continue to help businesses grow by offering dependable services at the best prices.