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Why Do You Need Content Moderation On Dating Sites? Importance of Moderation Services, Explained

Content moderation for dating sites

Technology has come a really long way and the emergence of different websites and apps dedicated to various topics and interests paved the way to superb user experiences and creative platforms to meet new friends and even potential partners. People’s acceptance of the possibility of finding their perfect match in an online community came with the increasing popularity of dating websites and apps that encourage people to meet and date individuals that suit their standards and preferences, and let’s be honest, there are hundreds and thousands of successful love stories to justify the purpose of dating sites or apps.

However, creating a profile and signing in to a dating platform is not always fun and lovely. In fact, a 2020 study by Pew Research Center found that 46% of American adults feel that dating apps are not a safe platform for meeting other people. The same study also concluded that 27% of men and 48% of women have reported inappropriate actions that they experienced from fellow members.

As a solution to this alarming concern, app developers and site owners have thought of effective ways to moderate user-generated content found in apps and websites.

Content moderation is essential in ensuring a high level of security and real-time monitoring of user posts to detect harmful content posted on different dating platforms to victimize other users.

Benefits of Content Moderation Services in Online Dating Platforms

1. User Profile Verification

Dating site moderators help in verifying the dating profiles of users to maintain honest and safe engagements among users. Since dating apps allow you to meet different people online, physical verification may not be instantly possible. The goal of user profile verification is to spot fake profiles, which is one of the common signs of catfishing. Strict verification processes may require users to confirm age, civil status, location, and others may even require proof of identity. Dating apps do prevent minors from joining, and they usually state this policy upon entering their site.

2. Detects and Stops Catfishing Attempts

Catfishing is a form of deception where an online persona lures another individual into a romantic or sexual relationship using a fake identity. Some individuals guilty of catfishing also use their fake online persona to get money from others. With this, dating site moderators prohibit the use of celebrity photos upon signing up and require real and updated photos to encourage transparency and confidence among subscribers.

3. Helps People Moderate and Filter Unsolicited Content

Moderation services for dating sites are perfect for clearing up forums and getting rid of unsolicited content. While some people use online dating apps in hopes of having long-term or even casual relationships, sending and posting nude photos and other sexually-offensive and provocative content is a serious matter that content moderators handle.

Dating app moderation is done to make users feel safe in using an online platform to build connections with other people, and hopefully, find their perfect matches. It is just right to remove users who cause anxiety and fear in a community that is supposed to be fun.

4. Dating App Help Desk

Problematic users send private messages to threaten, discriminate, or harass other members, and because the data is encrypted, monitoring them can be more challenging. However, members victimized by these unethical acts can always send their concerns and complaints to the moderators in charge of the help desk to enforce the proper measures needed to stop these acts.

They can report any form of abuse or harassment and attach screenshots of vulgar chats initiated by problematic users and the moderators can classify it as offensive, or even illegal.

5. Encourages More People to Join

A well-moderated dating site needs no aggressive marketing effort to stand out. When users feel safe and secure while meeting their potential matches, their experiences will be enough to encourage more people to join. People who are interested in joining dating sites review feedback from subscribers, and it is always best to receive positive comments about how users feel welcomed and secure when using the dating app.

6. Save Time

Instead of manually policing users who go against the dating site’s policies, outsourcing content moderation services is an ideal and effective way to protect your site’s image branding and make sure that users can keep up with the community standards and guidelines. Using the appropriate language and content to interact with other users is a sure step to promoting a blissful and accommodating environment for people who are looking for love and relationships online.

What is Content Moderation?

content moderation for dating sites

Content moderation is the process of monitoring and controlling user content in online platforms to make sure that a network of users moves by the acceptable guidelines and levels of appropriateness set by a website or an app.

Moderation processes involve meticulous content screening in determining whether a visual element such as photo, text, or even video content is suitable or unsuitable with the said platform.

What are the Types of Content Moderation?

Content moderation has five (5) types, and it is very easy to understand each type’s purpose.


The content submitted by a user will be carefully reviewed by content moderators before it can be published for the public audience to view. Users who post content mentioning or involving self-harm, nudity, potential scam, and other inappropriate topics listed in the platform’s community guidelines and policies will not be allowed to post.


A user’s published content will be reviewed and if the topics mentioned above are involved, the post will be flagged and removed. This is also applicable to users who post spam links and irrelevant content that other people might find annoying or offensive.


To fix the platforms’ UGC dilemmas caused by problematic users posting content that go against the policies, this type of moderation aims to encourage users to report and flag posts that they find gross or inappropriate for a social media platform. Reactive moderation is an interactive approach of moderators to maximize the opportunity to keep the platform’s reputation unscathed.


In distributed moderation, moderators and users adopt a rating system in determining whether a user’s content is acceptable. Popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are known to rate user-generated content based on its viral impact, the severity of harm, and the likelihood of violation. Cyberbullying, stalking, and online threats are the most common offenses reported on social networking sites.


Automation helps many businesses secure their online presence, and automated moderation is one practical solution to make sure that every inappropriate content gets flagged. Gone are those days when page and site managers manually go into user posts to check and manage safe and friendly interactions among users and subscribers. AI-controlled algorithms are capable of creating search filters and detecting suspicious activities.

How Does a Content Moderator Work?

A content moderator specializes in categorizing user-generated content, as well as performing strict scrutinization procedures to carefully analyze if the said content falls under an action that is considered unacceptable on social media platforms. Content moderators scrutinize content, verify user profiles, and filter irrelevant keywords and topics that could affect the overall user experience.

They also check if the conversations entail words and actions that are prohibited in the online community through chat monitoring. Human moderators are expected to have a keen attention to details and errors, knowledge of data privacy and security, and skill in laws against harassment and hate speech.

Why is Content Moderation Important in Dating Websites?

Here’s the truth. If you are a business owner who wants to establish an impressive online presence and digital footprint in the industry, you need to consider getting content moderation services to help people acknowledge your business website or page as a reputable one.

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram adopt modern solutions and AI-supported algorithms in detecting content that may go against the community guidelines set by the company. It’s important that aside from features set to connect people, your website or app must use specific measures to control inappropriate content.

Is Outsourcing Content Moderation Services Worth It?

Definitely. Outsourcing content moderation services can help you save time and focus on the major operations of your business. There are several content moderation companies offering content moderation services focusing on different platforms and content types including websites, images, videos, social media posts, community management, forums, etc. at affordable rates.

Make sure to choose a provider with proven experience in content moderation to keep you at ease in taking care of your business branding and reputation.


With the growing number of individuals subscribed to dating apps in hopes of meeting their potential partners, dating platforms should put in place strict measures in providing quality user experience for everyone. Working with a skilled and reliable content moderation team is an effective way to keep up with the needs of subscribers for a safe and healthy matchmaking experience. Additionally, attempts of fraud, scams and catfishing from individuals hiding behind fictional identities and fake dating profiles will be easier to capture and report to the responsible authorities.

Outsourcing content moderation services can help in satisfying the needs of users while protecting the image of dating apps which are definitely at a higher risk of dangerous and unethical acts made by some troublesome users. Dating, even online, is supposed to be memorable and never traumatic.

Part of carving a competitive advantage in the online dating industry is valuing integrity over profit, and with the best content moderation teams, achieving this will be much easier. 


Contact us today to learn more about our content moderation outsourcing services.

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